Serving our Neighbor's with Worship Services and God's Word
That there is one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, true and without error. It is our source of truth about our world, ourselves and our relationship to God and others, and is the vehicle through which the Holy Spirit speaks to us and is
That there is one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, true and without error. It is our source of truth about our world, ourselves and our relationship to God and others, and is the vehicle through which the Holy Spirit speaks to us and is given.
Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church in Quartz Hill
That man was created holy and innocent by God on the 6th day of our world's history and that man, of his own will, rebelled against God bringing sin and death upon us all. Ever thereafter, people are born in sin and in need of a Savior.
That God, in great love and mercy, rescued mankind from sin and death by sending His Son, Jesus Christ
That man was created holy and innocent by God on the 6th day of our world's history and that man, of his own will, rebelled against God bringing sin and death upon us all. Ever thereafter, people are born in sin and in need of a Savior.
That God, in great love and mercy, rescued mankind from sin and death by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, true God and true man, born of the Virgin Mary to save us. This He did by keeping the Law of God perfectly in our place (what we cannot do) and by his suffering and dying for mankind's sin. Jesus' resurrection from the dead guarantees us that God's justice is fully satisfied, our sin-debt with God is paid in full!
Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church in Quartz Hill
That the Good News of our Savior and our salvation enters our lives through God's Word. Holy Baptism, the Word of Absolution and the Lord's Supper.
That people who are brought to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord are assured of the full forgiveness of sins, are declared righteous before God for Christ's sake, will inherit eternal life, and are
That the Good News of our Savior and our salvation enters our lives through God's Word. Holy Baptism, the Word of Absolution and the Lord's Supper.
That people who are brought to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord are assured of the full forgiveness of sins, are declared righteous before God for Christ's sake, will inherit eternal life, and are basking in God's grace and favor right now.
Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church in Quartz Hill
The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod answers frequently asked questions about its beliefs and positions. Read responses regarding the Bible, worship, congregational life, and moral and ethical issues.
Resurrection Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - LCMS.
We have been in the Quartz Hill community for over 35 years.
We are small in size but big in evangelism and the joy we share in our Christian faith.
• There is one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• The Bible is the inspired Word of God, true and without error.
• God, in His great love and mercy, rescued us from sin by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us.
• Worship and receive the good gifts of our Lord.
• Grow, nourished by God’s Word and Sacraments.
• Serve using the gifts the Lord has given you.
• Enjoy a warm, caring, Christian family environment sharing God’s love for all.
Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church
42217 55th Street West, Quartz Hill, California 93536, United States
Office phone: 661-943-8433
© 2025 Resurrection Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved.